Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
First United Methodist Church of Georgetown
Outreach and Missions
Free Community Luncheon
Generally, on the last Saturday of each month (January through October), a free hot meal is offered in the Church’s Fellowship Hall from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Meal delivery and carry outs are also available upon request. The first meal on January 31, 2009 started with the economic downturn to help people who needed food. Since then, the church has served almost 25,000 well balanced meals. Initially, a few church members planned, cooked, and served the meal. Now people in the community have joined in this labor of love; community members regularly volunteer their time, talents, and even financial support. This outreach began with a small amount of seed money from an individual and a community group. By the grace of God, there is always more than enough money to buy the food for the next meal, thanks to donations which continue to be received from community groups and individuals. The free meal meets the physical needs of people and the fellowship nourishes the spirit. Through this ministry, the congregation of the United Methodist Church continues to be blessed and recharged.
Missions and outreach provide the means by which a church reaches outside its walls to aid in the transformation process. Through the United Methodist connection, we are able to achieve much more than we could achieve separately.
The First United Methodist Church in Georgetown supports many local, regional, national and international ministries and agencies. We are able to do this through our annual budget and donations from members of our congregation. Sometimes donations are in the form of collecting supplies like socks for the homeless, tissue boxes for the school district, Toys for Tots, Non-perishable food items.
In addition, during Sunday Worship Service, our children participate in a “Noisy Offering” where they collect coin donations from the congregation. Placing coins in the bucket creates a jingle….hence “noisy offering". At the end of the month this collection is donated to an agency that has a connection to supporting children.
Local Missions
Cunningham Children's Home, Urbana, IL
Rescue Us, Tilton, IL
Rescue Mission, Danville, IL
Miss Piggy Fund which supports Georgetown Ridge Farm School Children who need help to overcome hurdles interfering with their learning.
Fairhope Children’s Ministry, Danville, IL
Santa’s Anonymous, Westville, IL
Coats for Kids in Our Community
Local School Districts to help purchase PPE during Covid pandemic
Community Christmas Baskets, Georgetown, IL
Operation Backpack, School supplies for local students
Food and Non-Food Banks in Georgetown and Ridge Farm, IL
Mission K9 and Veterans at the local VA
Local Nursing Homes to provide funds to purchase Christmas gifts for residences
Regional Missions
Our Conference Our Kids which supports 5 ministries for children through the UMC Illinois Great River Conference Organization
Midwest Mission Distribution Center, Pawnee, IL
Various Disaster Relief
Land of Lincoln Honor Flight
International Missions
Heifer International
Contribute to an Educational Scholarship Fund for 3 girls in El Salvador
Disaster Relief